Welcome to the APSA MENA Section Awards! We are delighted to announce the 2022 MENA Politics Section Award winners. Best Book (senior category) Committee: Lisa Blaydes, Francesco Cavatorta, Noora Lori The APSA MENA Politics Section recognizes Mona El-Ghobashy (NYU), Bread
Meet Our New Editors
We would like to thank our current Editorial Board for all the hard work they have done over the last two years for the APSA-MENA Politics Newsletter. In addition, we would like to give a warm welcome to APSA MENA’s
The Middle East in Political Science Journals
What Do Political Scientists Study on the Middle East? Melani Cammett, Harvard University, mcammett@g.harvard.edu Isabel Kendall, Harvard University, ikendall@college.harvard.edu This is part of the MENA Politics Newsletter, Volume 3, Issue 1, Spring 2020. Download the PDF of this piece here. The Middle
Note from APSA
This is part of the MENA Politics Newsletter, Volume 3, Issue 1, Spring 2020. Hello from APSA’s Department of International Programs. We hope you and your loved ones are staying well, safe and healthy wherever you are. Like many of you,
Message from the Editor
This is part of the MENA Politics Newsletter, Volume 3, Issue 1, Spring 2020. A Note from the Section Chair We are delighted to present the Spring 2020 of the APSA MENA Politics Newsletter. The MENA Politics Section continues to thrive